The Animal Kingdom — Active

Calling All Locals: Summer in State College

Posted by Katy Stager on

Whether you’re just passing through town, visiting for a few days, or if you’re a full-time, full-fledged family of Happy Valley – I think many of you might agree that summer in State College is amazing. The students have gone home, leaving our peaceful town to the locals for three-and-half glorious months of sunshine and fun. So what kinds of fun things, you ask, does the Stager family get into during the summer here in the Valley?  Some activities occur every week, while others are special events scheduled on certain dates throughout the season.

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Mom on the Run

Posted by Katy Stager on

Challenging as it may be, I wouldn’t trade running with Nora for anything in the world. I thought I enjoyed the meditative qualities of running before she came along, but now-a-days “the runners high” has a whole new meaning for me. Nora has been a passenger to the sport since she was 2 months old. Watching my baby gain a unique awareness of her surroundings while we zoom around town is priceless.

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Cheap Date

Posted by Katy Stager on

Parenthood is full of surprises. If I had to list three of the biggest shockers I’ve encountered in the last 10 months, it would go something like this: 1) the amount of time I would spend discussing “poop” in those first few months; 2) the fact that I would willfully give up my beloved manual transmission car for the ease and roominess of a [gasp] minivan; and 3) the new meaning of the term, “date night.”

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