The Animal Kingdom — Toy Store

Real Mom Review: Sophie & Lili Doll Collection

Posted by Katy Stager on

I’m sure most veteran parents and caretakers can agree – life with a toddler is gloriously m-e-s-s-y. So when I learned that we would be bringing home a new friend who is unique, bold, soft, huggable, AND easily washable, I was over the moon. 

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Real Mom Review: The Best Bear

Posted by Sara Carlson on

I only ever had one, one little bear that was a present from my Aunt Adeline. His name was Snuffles and his pure white snowy plush, little impish smile, and button brown nose were so adorable. I snuggled the stuffing out of that little bear.

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Quick Picks: Thanksgiving Edition

Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

"Quick Picks" posts give you a short and sweet look at what's trending at The Animal Kingdom!

Please enjoy our special Thanksgiving Edition...

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Travel Time

Posted by Sara Carlson on

To avoid major meltdowns and the vicious jab of a 3 year old, be sure to include the necessities of your ones' little lives. Travel will open their eyes to new wonders and new fun, but as parents, we still have to give our kids the security they crave. With a little preparation and a few slices of home, disaster can be averted and the season can be filled with joy. 

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Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

Hi there, and welcome! 

We are excited for the official launch of The Animal Kingdom's blog. 

We think having kids is pretty cool and hope to share that sentiment with you through quality real-life discussions about parenting, food, travel, creativity, learning, product reviews and more. We consider this to be a family lifestyle blog.

That said, there seems to be a new standard of "success" in raising a family these days, one that requires us to be supermoms and superdads...

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