The Animal Kingdom — Children's Store

Travel Time

Posted by Sara Carlson on

To avoid major meltdowns and the vicious jab of a 3 year old, be sure to include the necessities of your ones' little lives. Travel will open their eyes to new wonders and new fun, but as parents, we still have to give our kids the security they crave. With a little preparation and a few slices of home, disaster can be averted and the season can be filled with joy. 

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Cookie Love

Posted by Sara Carlson on

I'm constantly trying to sneak nutritious treats into their Green Eats Snack Bowls. We have our favorite quick bites, the standard grapes, apples, carrot sticks, cheddar cheese, but these snacks don't really cut it for the after school set. 

Instead, I rely on a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies that my boys love. The ingredients made me very skeptical and hopeful. If I could infuse cookies with extra protein, load them full of chocolate chips, and have the kids inhale them? A huge win for mom, but who on earth eats cookies made from chickpeas. I mean, really?

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When you know better, you do better.

Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

Hello, my name is Lindsay and I am a See Kai Run shoe addict. 

It's true. When my daughter started learning to walk shortly before her 1st birthday, I suddenly realized that we needed shoes... like ASAP.

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Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

Hi there, and welcome! 

We are excited for the official launch of The Animal Kingdom's blog. 

We think having kids is pretty cool and hope to share that sentiment with you through quality real-life discussions about parenting, food, travel, creativity, learning, product reviews and more. We consider this to be a family lifestyle blog.

That said, there seems to be a new standard of "success" in raising a family these days, one that requires us to be supermoms and superdads...

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