The Animal Kingdom — Kids


Posted by Sara Carlson on

New Year's Resolutions don't really work for me, I prefer to set and reach goals constantly, challenging myself on a regular basis, particularly when it comes to my family and community. So, what does 2014 have in store for you? Are you looking for some kid-friendly New Year's Resolutions? Look no further. 

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Making Time

Posted by Katy Stager on

Having a child really puts “time” into perspective. Time has become more personal to me now that I truly understand the value of it – how quickly it comes and goes… how powerless we are to stop it from slipping by. The only control we have lies in what we choose to DO with the time we are given.

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Household Icky-ness

Posted by Katy Stager on

Talk to any parent, and one thing we all seem to have in common is that utterly helpless feeling you get when your child is sick. The glassy eyes. The runny nose. The rattley chest.

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Quick Picks: Thanksgiving Edition

Posted by Lindsay Williamson on

"Quick Picks" posts give you a short and sweet look at what's trending at The Animal Kingdom!

Please enjoy our special Thanksgiving Edition...

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Travel Time

Posted by Sara Carlson on

To avoid major meltdowns and the vicious jab of a 3 year old, be sure to include the necessities of your ones' little lives. Travel will open their eyes to new wonders and new fun, but as parents, we still have to give our kids the security they crave. With a little preparation and a few slices of home, disaster can be averted and the season can be filled with joy. 

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