The Animal Kingdom — Raising Kids

Travel Time

Posted by Sara Carlson on

To avoid major meltdowns and the vicious jab of a 3 year old, be sure to include the necessities of your ones' little lives. Travel will open their eyes to new wonders and new fun, but as parents, we still have to give our kids the security they crave. With a little preparation and a few slices of home, disaster can be averted and the season can be filled with joy. 

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Happy Birthday Peacock

Posted by Katy Stager on

To my beautiful baby peacock, your first birthday has arrived. I have a couple of wishes for you, baby girl. Twelve wishes, to be exact. One for each beautiful “first” month, and they go a lil’ something like this…

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Being an Only

Posted by Katy Stager on

We live in a land where Gallup polls reveal that along with a white picket fence, America’s domestic dream seems, more often than not, to involve 2.5 children. Being and growing up an only child in a world of brothers and sisters is… interesting.

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